Tuesday, September 11, 2007

TheWar Report

Original story: The MacNeil Lehrer News Hour

The violence in Fallujah has supposedly decreased this week because of the troop surge. Last week US general David Petraeus and US Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker released their war report after returning from Iraq; and yesterday they were questioned about its contents. General Petraeus said during the questioning that they could not see the pulling out of more than 30,000 US troops this year and in March '08 deciding on a full pullout.

One Iraqi who had seen the War Report called Petraeus' words "The same promise of nothing" and stated that the surge has heightened the violence of the civil war. Senator Barbara Boxer said, "70% of Iraqis say that the surge has made things worse."

Senator Chuck Hagel asked Ambassador Crocker, "Are we going to continue spending blood and treasure (money) like we've been doing?" Ambassador Crocker replied, "We don't know, it depends on the formal decision."

Senator Barack Obama asked, "So is it now thought that the '06 level of violence is making progress?" General Petraeus replied, "Yes, in the face of the civil war we have made progress." Also Senator Warner asked, "Does this war make America any safer?" And to this General Petraeus replied, "Honestly, I don't know."

Last night on the MacNeil Lehrer News Hour, Jim Lehrer asked General Petraeus, "Are these the accurate facts on the situation?" General Petraeus replied, "I tried to prevent, I..I mean present the facts that were told yesterday."

I totally agree with what General Petraeus first said. He probably did try to prevent the FACTS from being told. In fact some of the senators (in support of the surge) when giving their report told that, "We were able to walk through the streets of Fallujah. "Well, according to inside sources:"Every house on that street had at least one soldier in it to ensure that no supporter of the surge (or the Bush gang) was attacked or shot."

In my opinion, it's a nest of vipers telling lies. This war hasn't been about America. George W. Bush used 9/11 as an excuse to start this war. Then lied to Congress about "weapons of mass destruction" (which were never found). And now Bush is getting others to lie for him. This guy needs to be impeached.

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